Refund Policy

I do not do refunds typically.

 Please read thru entire FAQ  to see if I answer your question.

Q. I purchased an item TWICE at full price, can I get a refund?

A. If you have purchased an item TWICE at full price I will refund. This does not include gatcha’s or transfer items.

When requesting a refund please include (Will verify within 24 Hours before refunding):
Your Name:
Today’s Date:
Transaction ID:
Item Name:
Date Purchased:
Marketplace or In-World:

You may choose to fill out a form on this blog, or send a notecard and pm to Mackenzie Aura if I am offline, or send Mackenzie Aura a message if online.

Please conduct yourself in a professional way (I am trying to help you out)

Q. I purchased an item twice from a gatcha, can I get a refund?

A. No, You decided to play the gatcha, you play knowing you are bound to get doubles if you play multiple times.

Q. I purchased an item twice that is transfer, can I get a refund?

A. No, You decided to buy the item twice, and because it is transfer you can send it to another avatar if you want.

Q. I decided I no longer wanted the item?

A. You purchased it- sorry no refund. :(

Q. The Product does not work, will you refund?

A. I will either prove to you that it does work, or I will fix the product if there is a problem. (Usually if you do find a valid bug I will give you an extra product of choice.)

Q. I bought your product before realizing it will not work with my mesh avatar, will you refund?

A. I will not refund, all my items are for Toddleedoo Kid or Baby size. On occasion I make a product for adult sized avatars, and it is marked. Any questions regarding if it will fit your avatar should be asked prior to buying.